
For our activities for the environment and the environment, we have won the SUSTAINABLE BRAND title in the Fashion Magazine Beauty Awards competition and we have been recognized as the most socially responsible and sustainable company. This motivates us to continue working for responsible development in the entire Dr Irena Eris Group.

On the occasion of the World UN Day, we have been recognized by the UN Global Compact Network Poland (the Polish office of the Initiative of the Secretary General of the United Nations) as a member of the “Equal Opportunities in Business – Target Gender Equality” initiative for setting ambitious corporate goals promoting women’s leadership and gender equality in business.

We joined the Global Compact initiative in 2016. The project was established by the then Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, and its task is to promote the principles of, inter alia, human rights, labor, environmental and anti-corruption. Since 2016, we report annually our activities aimed at improving the integration of the Global Compact principles with our business strategy, culture and daily activities.

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